LeBron vs. Michael Jordan Debate Results in Man Beating Up His Roommate

lebron jordan

Michael Jordan or LeBron James? We’ve been over this debate on the site; LeBron has accomplished more than Jordan had at this point in his career; let’s see how the next six years go for King James.

But is a debate over their greatness worth fighting over? Apparently so. From the Daily Collegian:

A debate over who is the best basketball player of all time, LeBron James or Michael Jordan, became heated early Saturday morning, and resulted in felony charges of aggravated assault and criminal trespassing for a State College man.

At 3:49 a.m. Saturday, Daniel Mondelice, 22, and his roommate began the argument at their Calder Commons apartment, 520 E. Calder Way, the State College Police Department said.

After physically assaulting his roomate, Mondelice was charged with aggravated assault, terroristic threats and simple assault, police said.

Seems like something worth having to go to court over. Also, every newspaper on every continent on the planet will be running this story, so congrats, Daniel Mondelice. This one’s staying with for awhile.

Related: Dan Le Batard: LeBron Chasing “Ghosts”, Michael Jordan Revered With “Revisionist Blindness”
Related: LeBron Says He “Absolutely” Didn’t Stare Down Michael Jordan on That Dunk
Related: Michael Jordan vs. LeBron: Who Faced Tougher Competition in the NBA Finals?



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