Michael Sam Documentary to Appear on Oprah Winfrey's Network on December 27th

Michael Sam

Michael Sam, who was striving to become the first openly gay football player in the NFL, will be the feature of a 90-minute documentary on Oprah Winfrey’s network on December 27th, the network just announced.

Sam was drafted in the 7th round by the St. Louis Rams, and played with the team in the preseason, but was cut in late August. The Cowboys picked him up a few days later, and he lingered on the practice squad for seven weeks before being released.

Oprah is hyping the documentary as such:

The 90-minute documentary follows the life of Michael Sam, who made history when he became the first openly gay football player drafted into the NFL. The documentary was originally announced as a multi-part series but transitioned into a 90-minute documentary when shooting was postponed to allow Michael to focus on football.

Cameras get up close and personal with Michael as he openly discusses a childhood fraught with tragedy and poverty, as well as his emotional decision to come out as a gay man in the world of pro sports.

Sam, who turns 25 in January, is currently a free agent.

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